Basic Terminal command


cd route

ls list

pwd show current path

cat concatenate and print file (usually as read file)

touch change file access and modification time; (usually as create file)


cd <directory>

cd . current

cd .. last

cd ~ home

cd / root



ls -a list all included hiding file

ls -l list detail

Move & Copy

cp <name1> <name2> copy

mv <name1> <name2> rename

move one file within this directory to another name.

mv <directory1> <directory2> move


Find a file in a dir find .

find . -type d //only directory

find . -type f//only file


find . -type f -name "<filename>"

find . -type f -name "<partial filename>_"

find . -type f -iname "<partial filename>_" -i means not case sensitive

find . -type f -name "\*.py"


find . -type f -mmin -10 file modify lest than 10 min

find . -type f -mmin +10 modify more than 10 min

find . -type f -mmin +1 -mmin -10 modify more than 1 less than 10 min

find . -type f -mtime -20 modify less than 20 days ago

// mmin mtime // modify miniums days // amin atime // access // cmin ctime // change


find . -size +5M find size larger than 5 MB

find . -size -1G find size smaller than 1 GB

find . -size +2k find size larger than 2KB (k is lower case)


find . -empty find empty file


Find some content inside a file

grep "find" terminal.txt find the content inside the file or not (Eg: findfind will be fond)

grep -w "find" terminal.txt -w find the content exactly inside the file ofr not (Eg:findfind will be ignored)

grep -iw "find" terminal.txt -i not case sensitive

grep -iwn "find" terminal.txt -n show line number that find the content

grep -iwn -B 4 "find" terminal.txt 4 line before the match

grep -iwn -A 4 "find" terminal.txt 4 line after the match

grep -iwn -C 4 "find" terminal.txt 4 line before and after the match

grep -iwn "find" ./* find all files in this directory with content

grep -winr "find" ./ -r recursive search the directory and subdirectory

grep -wirl "find" ./ -l only show the directory of matching file.

grep -wirc "find" ./ -c how many match in this directory.



!! last command ex: sudo !!

combine with grep

history | grep "ls" show history have “ls”

Curl (http request)

curl <url> http request

curl -i <url> //–include get detail

curl -d <data> <url> // –data post request

curl -X PUT -d <data> <url> // update

curl -X DELETE <url> //delete

curl -u <username>:<password> <url> // username

curl -0 <downloadname> <url> //download

Short cut

ctrl + a //go to the beginning of a line

ctrl + e //go to the end of a line

option + <- or -> jump a word right or left

option + click

ctrl + u //delete everything before cursor 光标

ctrl + k //delete everything after cursor

tab //auto complete

up or down //scroll through your history command

history //show all history command