SET foo 100
GET foo // 100
SET bar 'hello world'
GET bar // hello world
INCR foo // 101
DECR foo // 100
EXISTS foo // 1
EXISTS foo1 // 0
DEL bar
EXISTS bar // 0
GET bar //(nir)
FLUSHALL // all empty
SET server:name someserver
GET server:name // "someserver"
SET server:port 8000
GET server:port
SET greeting "Hello world"
GET greeting
EXPIRE greeting 50 // set expirations to 50 second
TTL greeting
SETEX greeting 30 "hello world" // set value and expiration
PERSIST greeting // key will not expire
TTL greeting // -1
MSET key1 "hello" key2 "world"
APPEND key1 " world"
RENAME key1 greeting
LPUSH people "Brad" // 1
LPUSH people "Jen" // 2
LPUSH people "Tom" // 3
LRANGE people 0 -1 // return all // Tom Jen Brad
LRANGE people 1 2 // Jen Brad
RPUSH people "Harry"
LRANGE people 0 -1 // Tom Jen Brad Harry
LLEN people // 4
RPOP people // Harry
LPOP people
LINSERT people BEFORE "Brad" "TOM"
LRANGE people 0 -1 // Jen Tom Brad
SADD cars "Ford"
SADD cars "Honda"
SADD cars "BMW"
SISMEMBER cars "Ford" // 1
SISMEMBER cars "Chevy" // 0
SMEMBER cars // Honda BMW Ford
SCARD cars // 3
SMOVE cars mycars "Ford"
SMEMBER cars // Honda BMW
SMEMBER mycars // Ford
SRAM cars "BMW"
SMEMBER cars // Honda
ZADD users 1980 "Brad"
ZADD users 1975 "Jen"
ZADD users 1990 "Mike"
ZADD users 1990 "Kate"
ZRANK users "Mike" // 3
ZRANK users "Jen" // 0
ZRANK users "Brad" // 1
ZRANGE users 0 -1 // Jen Brad Kate Mike
ZINCRBY users 1 "Jen" // 1976
HSET user:brad name "Brad"
HSET user:brad email ""
HGET user:brad name
HGET user:brad email
HGETALL user:brad
HMSET user:john name "Jen" email "" age "25"
HGETALL user:john
HKEYS user:john
HVAL user:john
HINCERBY user:john age 1 // 26
HDEL user:john age // 1
HLEN user:john // 2